Registration form

By submitting the below form you register as member of Kalinko.

Before you submit, please read the bylaws and house rules, and check the page on the fees.

Membership period runs from August 1st to July 31st. Your membership is automatically extended for one year, unless you send a termination request to the administration before 1st of July. In addition, recreational and CMV members can also unsubscribe mid-season by sending a termination request before 1st of January, in which case they only pay half of the yearly fee.

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Members that join in competition receive a digital players pass. You can upload the required photo here, or e-mail it to
Kalinko can only exist thanks to the contribution of many volunteers. The membership fee is also based on that many tasks are done voluntarily.

How do you want to contribute?
For parents/guardians of youth members: how do you want to contribute as parent/guardian?

For which of the below activities can we call on you?

As other clubs, also Kalinko has a couple of rules and regulations.

On our website you can find the bylaws and house rules, and a separate page on financial matters (membership fee, notice, "ooievaarspas", etc.)

Membership fee - methods of payment

There are two ways to pay the required fee: once per year a manual transaction, or once sign up for automatic collection in two terms.

Benefits of automatic collection:

  • No late payment
  • Reduces the amount of work for the volunteers in the member administration
  • Save yourself the hassle of recurring manual transactions
  • You receive a € 27 discount on the yearly fee (if you pay manually you receive - if you pay in time - a € 9 discount only)

Note that you always can recall the withdrawn amount by instructing your bank.
Automatic collection can be stopped by sending a request to Automatic collection in any case will be stopped when you cancel your membership.
At the start of each season you will be informed of the updated fees and the approximate dates for collection, via the website and the newsletter.

Automatic collection mandate

Undersigned authorizes Volleyball Club Kalinko to withdraw yearly, in two terms, the Kalinko membership fee from the below bankaccount, until further notice.